Thursday, October 7, 2010

On YoUr MaRk GeT sEt Go

September was an amazing yet tiring month. Everything starts up again in September and when it does it sometimes hits me hard. Just before Labor Day the children and I began their homeschool curriculum... The first week was exciting and of course new. The first week was a breeze in my opinion. Now we're well into our second month of school, but have found it can be exhausting some days. Don't get me wrong, homeschool is going very well, I love it. The children are learning a lot already. It's just that energy is low. We are jumping back into a very busy year and it's definitely going to take some time getting used to it again. However, I am so in love with teaching my children here at home. honestly, I can't imagine sending them off to school. I have already seen the many blessing that come with homeschool!

My family and I are involved in many activities, studies, & ministries all of which have begun their new fiscal year. Though this time is exciting it is also draining. It will take time to find a grove again and feel "normal" about our busy days. Greg's primary ministry is AWANA clubs. He finds great joy in training up our youth. He enjoys leading and is getting really good at it too. Greg is also involved in small group, service, community outreach, and Sunday School. My primary ministry is MOPS. MOPS has been close to my heart for years. This year I play a smaller role on the Leadership Team, but enjoy serving just the same if not more. I'm also involved in teaching, worship, small group, bible study, service, and outreach. Caleb, Hannah, and Isaiah are involved in Sunday School, children's church, AWANA, MOPS, bible study, service, and outreach. I think they all enjoy AWANA most. Not because their Daddy is the boss, but because God is working on them the most here. All three are learning and retaining His word. Not only are they learning and retaining, but they are living out His word daily. God also continually shows me how special Caleb, Hannah, and Isaiah are! This may seem like to much, but honestly it feels right. I know soon we will find our grove amongst all these duty's and grow in leadership, faith, and our relationship with Jesus Christ. I also know in time God will allow for all of us to see the fruits of our labor and the overflowing blessings that comes from our obedience and perseverance. I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm on my mark, I'm set, here I go...

Dear God,
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for using me in these many ways. Thank you for teaching me to persevere, obey, and grow closer toward your son Jesus. God, thank you for those I knowingly have touched and those only you know I have touched. God, thank you for these many blessings of service and witness. You are my motivation! It is my desire not to be prideful, it is my desire to give all credit to You and hand You all the Glory. Lord, I love You, help me bring your children home if that be Your will!

In Jesus' name, Amen