Yesterday marked the 44th year of marriage for my parents!
Often I find myself remembering my Dad, but more often I catch myself missing him. Knowing that mom and dad's anniversary was approaching naturally brought back special moments with him, memories I Cherish of him.
I decided to thumb through my wedding album this past week. My memories of that day were of complete joy, I remember not having a care in the world, I remember the words my dad shared with me. I remember singing to him as we danced together, I remember the words from the song and his reaction to them. I cried as I sang and rested my cheek against his. He said I was beautiful, he said I sang beautifully too. I don't think I'll ever forget the words to Kippi Brannon's song- Daddy's Little Girl. Because at that time there couldn't have been a more perfect song for me and my daddy to dance to. As I thought of my dad I also thought of how much my mom must miss him. Imagining life without my husbands seems impossible, unbearable really. It was at that moment that I began to cry. I asked myself, "How has mom stayed so strong all these years?" Each day she wakes and each day she trudges through. It was then that I knew God has been there all along, with her and at times even carrying her. She may not always remember that He is there, but I know that He is and will always be with her. Boy do I miss Dad. I long for him, I long for him to know my children, I desire for him to meet the woman I've become. But, I have hope. I have a promise. One day I will be in the arms of my dad again and together we will spend eternity praising our heavenly father. For now I hold tight to my memories. I rest my head on Jesus' shoulder. He knows this loss I feel and when it hurts I know He will carry me.
Dear God,
I am overwhelmed and filled with thanksgiving. You have blessed me greatly. Lord, I thank you for delivering me from the pain and suffering that comes from loss. Dad's passing was very painful for a short time. It was only by your grace and compassion for me that I finally found peace. I remember him today and I miss him. And even though I cry it's not an unbearable pain because I know I will see him again soon. Thank you God for your overflowing peace, grace, compassion, and love for me. I love you will all that I am! Please give Daddy a kiss for me!
In Jesus' name, Amen